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Activities: Special Gatherings


Our primary intent is to offer a sacred space and opportunities for women, primarily, to discover the Divine Feminine, learn Goddess herstory, share meaningful ritual, honor the seasons and the Wheel of the Year, and celebrate our passages, expand our self esteem, express our creativity, and connect in a like minded community of loving support. Most of our seasonal events are just for women, but men are also welcome at many special events as well.



We advance ideals that celebrate all traditions of Goddesses and Earth honoring values. We encourage all activities that empower women and men to find greater self esteem, integrity and balance. And we honor all paths that affirm positive and loving metaphysical, shamanic and magical practices in a non-hierarchical structure. (For an expanded article see "What is the Sacred Feminine" essay.)


We loosely embrace many WICCAN practices like calling in the Elements and Directions and following the Wheel of the Year, but our philosophy is broader, more flexible and eclectic, and aimed towards creating the most beautiful, loving and joyful ways to empower women. 

The Goddess Studio is dedicated to Honoring the Sacred

Feminine and Empowering Women through

Ceremony, Creativity and Community.



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"Do What Ye Will, Harm None"

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