About: Amalya Professional Bio & Interviews
Professional Bio
Amalya (Amy Peck M.A.) brings to the world of women’s spirituality many talents and experiences. As a visual artist, painter, photographer, writer, poet and dancer--as well as an explorer of the world’s religions and mythologies--she has investigated a wide range of avenues for artistic and spiritual expression.

Amalya grew up with a great love of dance and drawing which eventually guided her to land at UCLA in the mid 70’s as an art major, then later as a Bachelor of Science graduate in Graphic Communications from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA. Her college years afforded her many opportunities to study world religions, and to learn of art, abstract painting, photography, graphic design and dance. Additionally, her life in the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority at UCLA planted the initial seeds of interest in ritual and women’s community.
After college, her early professional career developed her marketing skills in graphic design and print production management as she worked her way through the commercial advertising industry. Additionally, Amalya pursued a side career in Massage Therapy, completing her certificate at the school of Massage in Santa Barbara, CA.
The next highlight in her creative pursuits was earning a Master’s of Arts degree in Arts and Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California in 1996. The studies, projects and thesis production she completed for this degree enabled Amalya to assimilate and present many unique ideas weaving artistic creativity into a spiritual and sacred feminine context. During this time Amalya was not only prolifically painting large abstract canvases, but she had her first class in Goddess studies and concurrently started belly dancing and exploring women’s ritual. Thus these years were extraordinarily fertile for Amalya as she began to fully integrate all her passions for dance, painting, design and Goddess mythology. This process culminated in a graduate show that provided not only a platform for exhibiting her art and her first Goddess Scrolls, but also gave her the first opportunity to create a sacred space for art, ritual and devotional dance combined! This graduate show was the seed that grew into Amalya’s greatest vision--to build a permanent sacred space to honor the Divine Feminine in art, dance and ceremony.
After completing her M.A., Amalya continued to do freelance graphic design and print production work and to paint and exhibit her work around the San Francisco Bay Area until she relocated to San Diego in 1998. After settling in San Diego, however, her focus shifted from painting to producing women’s ritual events, and then she started to teach belly dance as well. Eventually, her art interest returned with a revival of her photography passion due to the new technologies of digital cameras and Photoshop.
Then at last Amalya’s greatest vision began to take root, and in 2003 Amalya designed, built and founded the Goddess Studio—an intentionally created sacred space dedicated to honor the Sacred Feminine through dance, ceremony and art. Since then she has produced, facilitated and hosted numerous events, workshops, dance concerts, and monthly women’s circles and seasonal ceremonies. In particular she has co-facilitated 22 bi-annual “Awaken Your Inner Goddess” full day retreats; as well as over five years of monthly Sisters of the Moon gatherings; plus six years of MeetUp circles; taught weekly belly dance classes; and continues to devote her full time to designing activities and ceremonies for the Goddess Studio, hosting special guest presenters, and to creating her Glorious Goddess Portrait photo-digital art.
A priestess to be sure, Amalya brings great passion and compassion into her endeavors to create a sacred space for all women to feel seen, heard, encouraged and empowered.
Priestess experience:
In Northern California Amalya was a co-facilitator of Rosa Mandala—a coed group which gathered eight times a year to honor the Earth’s sacred days. After settling in San Diego in 1998, Amalya helped co-create Goddess Temple Events which offered elaborate quarterly celebrations through 2001 of the solstices and equinoxes attracting a large community of women.
Furthermore, for 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 & 2007, Amalya was a guest presenter and workshop instructor at Jane Richmond’s Self Heal School's annual Women’s Retreat in San Diego leading ceremonies and dance programs.
Additionally she completed a six month Priestess Training program in San Diego with Melissa Seaman in 2005.
And she fulfilled a one year Priestess Training program from 2010-2011 for the Wheel of Place with Mary Samantha Inman and affirmed vows to serve as a Priestess.
Plus, Amalya has participated in many women’s moon circles as well as larger events with themes of the Goddess, ritual, and other spiritual self-enrichment content, including being a guest Priestess at the Museum of Women (previously known as The Goddess Temple of Orange County) and a workshop presenter at the 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 Women's Spirit Rising conference in Malibu, Ca.
Since founding the Goddess Studio Amalya has facilitated hundreds of rituals for the Sabbats and women’s circles at her studio from full day elaborate retreats for up to fifty women to more intimate sized gatherings.
Art/Photography Experience:
Majored in Fine Arts: painting/photography/art history at UCLA
B.A. in Graphic Communications and graphic design from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Career in advertising as graphic designer and Print Production Manager
Completed many various courses and workshops in painting & photography
Exhibited and sold her paintings at many galleries and art shows in the San Francisco Bay Area
Masters of Arts Degree in Art & Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, CA
Certificate in Web Design from UCSD adult course
Skilled in Publisher and Photoshop
Dance Experience:
Childhood dance classes in ballet and tap; and through High School/college years, jazz and modern dance.
Started Belly dance classes with Sharifa in 1993 in Pleasant Hill, California. Studied with her for five years.
Performed in a tribal belly dance troupe “Gypsy Spice” for several years and presented numerous solo performances at restaurants, parties, ceremonies, stage concerts and belly dance expos for many years.
Amalya has been belly dancing and sharing her unique style of devotional dance for over eighteen years and she has been teaching classes and workshops in the San Diego area since 1999. Of particular note, she has performed and taught dance at Rancho la Puerta Spa in Tecate, Mexico, the Golden Door in Escondido, CA, Cal-a-Vie Spa of Vista CA, and La Costa Spa of Carlsbad, CA; and at the CAHPERD 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd Annual South-west Dance, Movement & Acro-Sports Workshop in Palm Springs, CA.
(For further info on Amalya’s dance career, visit the Belly Dance page.)
Interviews Featuring Amalya...
"Awakening Your Inner Goddess" Amalya appeared on a T.V. Interview on Fox 6 “San Diego Living” on 6-24-08! In this 5 minute LIVE interview Amalya spoke about “Awakening Your Inner Goddess”. The video is no longer posted on the Fox 6 website, but you can view it on my YouTube Channel! Also, an outline of the topics Amalya presented is available on the "Amalya's Articles" page of this website, at the bottom of the page.
"Sacred Dance": Amalya was a guest on Dr. Jenn's podcast show "In the Denn with Dr. Jenn" on 3-22-08, talking about Sacred Dance and she performed too with live drumming by Lisa Bonneau. Check out this page for the intro on Dr. Jenn's blog site, (http://www.drjennsden.com), and view these YouTube links: Interview portion and Dance Performance!
"Magic & Manifestation": To hear Amalya speaking about Magic & Manifestation, listen to this radio exerpt from Karen Tate's Internet Radio Broadcast "Voices of the Sacred Feminine" aired 6-30-12. An hour interview on “Magic & Manifestation”. Amalya’s part begins half way through the episode. (Bill Moore is on the first half, and Amalya's program begins at about the 62 min mark) Their shows are two separate programs, but share the same episode session.) visit: www.blogtalkradio.com/voicesofthesacredfeminine
"Making Sacred Space": To listen to Amalya chatting about her journey creating the Goddess Studio and thoughts about making Sacred Space and altars, catch this radio excerpt from Karen Tate's Voices of the Sacred Feminine internet radio show aired March 13, 2013: "Creating Sacred Space". Hit the play arrow, and Amalya comes in around the 18 minute mark.
Podcast interview with Vasi Huntalas: 2021 Amalya was featured on Women Lead Radio with Vasi Huntalas, host of Dreaming Big, Leading Boldly, in a 30 minute conversation on how embracing Sacred Feminine wisdom empowers self esteem and visionary leadership: