Gallery: 2019 Samhain Photo Album
"Whispers of our Ancestors"
Presented by Priestesses, Pannthera, Mandella, Lea, Vee, Freya, Sablewolf and Amalya
This year our theme was centered around the question “What ancestor or energy from the “Otherside” are you whispering with tonight?”
To help us whisper to the otherside, we journeyed in a meditation offered by Lea; we honored our ancestors by crafting symbolic grave stone markers for someone in particular we wanted to commune with, and we took a ceremonial sojourn to the Cemetery. (Yes, we actually created a full Halloween graveyard complete with torches, gate and headstones, thanks to Pannthera’s expert “stage” design skills and a lot of set up help from the Priestesses the day before!)
Then, in our nighttime processional to the graveyard we were escorted by lantern bearing priestesses to meet the Gatekeeper who presented us with her oracle and bid us enter that we may place our offerings of our markers to our ancestors. (The Gatekeeper was very convincingly and powerfully aspected by Sablewolf!)
Following this mystical (and very dramatic theatrical ceremony) we gathered around the big fire cauldron to chant and share.