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Celebrating 22 years of Honoring the Sacred Feminine in Classes, Events & Art

Welcome to the website for the
Goddess Studio of Escondido, CA
and Rev. Priestess Amalya (aka Amy Peck M.A.)
Within these enchanting pages you will encounter all the magic that the Goddess Studio, the Priestesses and Amalya have to offer to inspire you to nourish your spiritual growth
and celebrate your inner Goddess ...
|Women's Sacred Wheel of the Year Sabbat Celebrations
|Belly Dance classes |The Priestess Hive
|Priestess Training Course |Pagan Ministerial Services
|A video tour & photos & description of the Goddess Studio
|Gallery of Albums of recent gatherings |Testimonials
| Essays & Articles (open the "Further Study" tab in the nav bar above!)
|+ Resources & links (coming soon)
Also on display in this site (under "Amalya's Art")
are samples of Amalya's creativity...
|Amalya's Art & Paintings |Goddess Scrolls and
|Commissioned Photo/Digital Glorious Goddess Portraits!
|+ Graphic design (coming soon)
+ MORE! Please explore all the tabs in the Navigation Menu above for further pages of enchantment! May you enjoy the journey of getting acquainted with us!
Calling all WOMEN, mothers, daughters, grandmas, sisters, aunties, earth mamas, fairy goddessmothers, belly dancers, friends and priestesses!
We look forward to seeing you at a future gathering...
Below are quick links to our upcoming activities. Please click their title in the "gold box" to go directly to their details page:

Blessed Be!

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